How to Beat the Winter Blues

How to Beat the Winter Blues

How to Beat the Winter Blues

Christmas has come and gone, and the dreary month of January can have us feeling the effects of Winter Blues. The short cold days and dip in sunlight causes a negative impact on our serotonin levels and can leave us with symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). So, what can we do to emulate a warm sunny day? We’ve got some tips and herbal remedies below to keep your spirits up this winter.

Find a fun winter activity outside - Research shows that exposure to sunlight helps regulate your circadian rhythm, which can help lift your mood. So, go outside for a walk or run in the fresh air at least once a day or gather your friends for some fun wintertime activities such as skiing, snowboarding or ice skating.

Socialize in groups - It sounds simple but spending time with friends and family can make all the difference when you're feeling down. Even taking up a hobby can be beneficial, like knitting or painting that will keep your hands busy and give you something fun to do with other people.

Exercise for 20 minutes a day - Physical activity releases feel-good hormones called endorphins, which help improve your mood by boosting dopamine levels in your brain (dopamine is often referred to as "the pleasure chemical"). Even if it's just 20 minutes of yoga in the morning before work, it'll help make you feel more energized when you get there.

Take an Herbal Supplement – Organic herbs like the ones listed below can be found in our Mood Remedy and have been shown to help relieve symptoms of depression by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

  1. Ashwagandha: An adaptogen herb that helps balance the body's response to stress, ashwagandha has been shown to improve mood, lower anxiety, and depression, and improve sleep.
  1. Gotu Kola: This herb improves circulation and nourishes the brain, which may help you feel more alert when you're feeling sluggish and experiencing a dip in serotonin levels from lack of sunlight.
  1. St. John's Wort: This herb is used in traditional Chinese medicine as an antidepressant and herbal sedative, but it can also be helpful for those looking to improve their mood in general.
  1. Ginseng: Ginseng is a tonic herb that helps boost energy levels and improve cognitive function—both of which can help keep your mood up during those long winter nights!